Chinese name servers

Chinese name servers

Chinese name servers

Chinese local DNS records

Chinese local DNS records check list

International DNS (Domain Name Server) records can take two to three attempts from a browser in China to locate your internet site.

Often the Chinese user stops trying and give up. It does not help that the local ISP often displays their internet site instead of your company website when they cannot find DNS in under 20ms.

The issue is caused by the master Name Service (NS) for domain is reposing too slow from outside China. After two to three attempts the Chinese internet has found your DNS records and all works as normally until the DNS record timeout and the processes starts look over again.

The solution is to purchase Chinese domain; i.e. .cn. The Chinese domains NS records are held inside China.

We recommend that you use a local Chinese DNS supplied by Domain supplier. This means you will be using local NS and DNS services for your Chinese domain name.

We recommend;

  • use a local Chinese DNS supplied by Domain supplier. This means you will be using local NS and DNS services for your Chinese domain name.
  • Do not set the TLL parameter too low for your DNS records … 24 hours plus is preferable

Please notes:

  • The Google public DNSs servers ( and often do not response at all in China. This is due to many Google services been blocked in China.
  • Our recommendation for Chinese public DNS: This is the China railway public DNS and very fast on all Chinese networks.

To operate a public DNS in China requires a licence from the internet authorities.

 last modified: June 2019